Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Been so long

Gosh I cant believe I haven't Blogged sense May. Lots has gone on. Ben started working at Coca Cola, he does like his job but he has to work on Sunday's and it is really hard on his body. Ben is such a great husband and father, he works because of his love for us, even though it is so hard for him. The kids finally got out of school for the summer on June 25. Iris had all A's and Hyrum and George had A's And B's I am so proud of my kids. Mabel graduated from preschool and is officially a kindergartner. My baby is going to school That is a hard one. She has always been my baby. Violet is getting so big, she crawls everywhere and pulls herself up. She is such a happy little girl. She sure has brought Joy to our family. I am currently babysitting, planning on starting school again in fall, just trying to figure out where to go, i would love to actually take classes in a class room, but not sure that would work out with Violet. i don't want a daycare for her. So if I have to I will continue online so that I can be home with her.